
function CombineDofs(uX, uY, dofsX, dofsY, factors; kwargs...)

When assembled, the dofsX of the unknown uX will be coupled with the dofsY of uY, e.g., for periodic boundary conditions.

Keyword arguments:

  • penalty: penalty for fixed degrees of freedom. Default: 1.0e30

  • verbosity: verbosity level. Default: 0


The following function might be useful to find out the dofs the need to be coupled for periodic boundary conditions:

function get_periodic_coupling_info(FES, xgrid, b1, b2, is_opposite::Function; factor_vectordofs = "auto")

computes the dofs that have to be coupled for periodic boundary conditions on the given xgrid for boundary regions b1, b2. The isopposite function evaluates if two provided face midpoints are on opposite sides to each other (the mesh xgrid should be appropriate). For vector-valued FETypes the user can provide factorvectordofs to incorporate a sign change if needed. This is automatically done for all Hdiv-conforming elements and (for the normal-weighted face bubbles of) the Bernardi-Raugel element H1BR.
