260 : Cahn-Hilliard Equations 2D

(source code)

This example studies the mixed form of the Cahn-Hilliard equations that seeks $(c,\mu)$ such that

\[\begin{aligned} c_t - \mathbf{div} (M \nabla \mu) & = 0\\ \mu - \partial f / \partial c + \lambda \nabla^2c & = 0. \end{aligned}\]

with $f(c) = 100c^2(1-c)^2$, constant parameters $M$ and $\lambda$ and (random) initial concentration as defined in the code below.

module Example260_CahnHilliard2D

using GradientRobustMultiPhysics
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize
using ForwardDiff
using DifferentialEquations

# parameters and initial condition
const f = (c) -> 100*c^2*(1-c)^2
const dfdc = (c) -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, c)
const M = 1.0
const λ = 1e-2
const c0 = DataFunction((result, x) -> (result[1] = 0.63 + 0.02 * (0.5 - rand());), [1,2]; dependencies = "X", bonus_quadorder = 10)

# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main(;
    verbosity = 0,                          # larger numbers increase talkativity
    order = 1,                              # finite element order for c and μ
    nref = 5,                               # refinement level
    τ = 1//100000,                          # time step (for main evolution phase)
    use_diffeq = false,                     # use DifferentialEquations.jl or internal evolution
    time_integration_rule = BackwardEuler,  # time integration scheme for internal evolution
    use_newton = true,                      # use newton or fixed-point iteration with constant system matrix ?
    Plotter = nothing,                      # Plotter (e.g. PyPlot)

    # set log level

    # initial grid and final time
    xgrid = uniform_refine(grid_unitsquare(Triangle2D; scale = [1,1]), nref)

    # define main level set problem
    Problem = PDEDescription("Cahn-Hilliard equation")
    add_unknown!(Problem; unknown_name = "c", equation_name = "concentration equation")
    add_unknown!(Problem; unknown_name = "μ", equation_name = "chemical potential equation")
    add_operator!(Problem, [1,2], LaplaceOperator(M; store = true))
    add_operator!(Problem, [2,2], ReactionOperator(1; store = true))
    add_operator!(Problem, [2,1], LaplaceOperator(-λ; store = true))

    # add nonlinear reaction part (= -df/dc times test function)
    function dfdc_kernel(result, input)
        result[1] = -dfdc(input[1])
    if use_newton # ... either as nonlinear operator with AD-Newton
        add_operator!(Problem, 2, NonlinearForm(Identity, [Identity], [1], dfdc_kernel, [1,1]; name = "(-∂f/∂c, μ)", newton = true, bonus_quadorder = 2))
    else # ... or as a simple LinearForm that is iterated in fixpoint iteration (with constant matrix)
        add_rhsdata!(Problem, 2, LinearForm(Identity, [Identity], [1], Action(dfdc_kernel, [1,1]; bonus_quadorder = 2); factor = -1, name = "(-∂f/∂c, μ)"))

    # print problem definition
    @show Problem

    # generate FESpace and solution vector and interpolate initial state
    FES = FESpace{H1Pk{1,2,order}}(xgrid)
    Solution = FEVector([FES, FES])
    interpolate!(Solution[1], c0)

    # generate time-dependent solver
    TProblem = TimeControlSolver(Problem, Solution, time_integration_rule;
                    timedependent_equations = [1],              # only 1st unknown c has a time derivative
                    skip_update = use_newton ? [1] : [-1],      # matrix will be only updated if Newton ist used
                    maxiterations = 50,                         # maximum number of fixed-point iterations (in each timestep)
                    target_residual = 1e-6,                     # stop if this nonlinear residual is reached (in each timestep)
                    T_time = use_diffeq ? Float64 : typeof(τ))

    # init plot (if order > 1, solution is upscaled to finer grid for plotting)
    p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (7,3), clear = true, resolution = (900,2100))
    if order > 1
        xgrid_upscale = uniform_refine(xgrid, order-1)
        SolutionUpscaled = FEVector(FESpace{H1P1{1}}(xgrid_upscale))
        interpolate!(SolutionUpscaled[1], Solution[1])
        xgrid_upscale = xgrid
        SolutionUpscaled = Solution
    nodevals = nodevalues_view(SolutionUpscaled[1])
    scalarplot!(p[1,1], xgrid_upscale, nodevals[1]; limits = (0.61, 0.65), xlabel = "", ylabel = "", levels = 1, title = "c (t = 0)")

    # prepare mass calculation
    total_mass_integrator = ItemIntegrator([Identity])
    mass = evaluate(total_mass_integrator, Solution[1])
    @info "mass (t = 0) = $mass"

    # advance in time, plot from time to time
    τstep = τ
    for j = 1 : 20
        if j < 3 # start with slightly smaller timestep
            τstep = τ//2
        elseif j < 9
            τstep = τ
        else # increase timestep a bit later
            τstep = τ*2
        if use_diffeq
            advance_until_time!(DifferentialEquations, TProblem, τstep, TProblem.ctime+10*τstep; solver = ImplicitEuler(autodiff = false), abstol = 1e-3, reltol = 1e-3, adaptive = true)
            advance_until_time!(TProblem, τstep, TProblem.ctime+10*τstep)
        if order > 1
            interpolate!(SolutionUpscaled[1], Solution[1])
        mass = evaluate(total_mass_integrator, Solution[1])
        @info "mass (t = $(Float64(TProblem.ctime))) = $mass"
        scalarplot!(p[1+Int(floor((j)/3)),1 + (j) % 3], xgrid_upscale, nodevals[1]; xlabel = "", ylabel = "", limits = (-0.1,1.1), levels = 1, title = "c (t = $(Float64(TProblem.ctime)))")

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