207 : Nonlinear Elasticity Bimetal 2D

(source code)

This example computes the displacement field $u$ of the nonlinear elasticity problem

\[\begin{aligned} -\mathrm{div}(\mathbb{C} (\epsilon(u)-\epsilon_T)) & = 0 \quad \text{in } \Omega \end{aligned}\]

where an isotropic stress tensor $\mathbb{C}$ is applied to the nonlinear strain $\epsilon(u) := \frac{1}{2}(\nabla u + (\nabla u)^T + (\nabla u)^T \nabla u)$ and a misfit strain $\epsilon_T := \Delta T \alpha$ due to thermal load caused by temperature(s) $\Delta T$ and thermal expansion coefficients $\alpha$ (that may be different) in the two regions of the bimetal.

This example demonstrates how to setup a (parameter- and region-dependent) nonlinear expression and how to assign it to the problem description.

module Example207_NonlinearElasticityBimetal2D

using GradientRobustMultiPhysics
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize

# parameter-dependent nonlinear operator uses a callable struct to reduce allocations
mutable struct nonlinear_operator{T}

function strain!(result, input)
    result[1] = input[1]
    result[2] = input[4]
    result[3] = input[2] + input[3]

    # add nonlinear part of the strain 1/2 * (grad(u)'*grad(u))
    result[1] += 1//2 * (input[1]^2 + input[3]^2)
    result[2] += 1//2 * (input[2]^2 + input[4]^2)
    result[3] += input[1]*input[2] + input[3]*input[4]
    return nothing

# kernel for nonlinear operator
(op::nonlinear_operator)(result, input, item) = (
        # input = grad(u) written as a vector
        # item[3] is the region number where operator is currently evaluated
        # compute strain and subtract thermal strain (all in Voigt notation)
        strain!(result, input);
        result[1] -= op.ϵT[item[3]];
        result[2] -= op.ϵT[item[3]];

        # multiply with isotropic stress tensor
        # (stored in input[5:7] using Voigt notation)
        input[5] = op.λ[item[3]]*(result[1]+result[2]) + 2*op.μ[item[3]]*result[1];
        input[6] = op.λ[item[3]]*(result[1]+result[2]) + 2*op.μ[item[3]]*result[2];
        input[7] = 2*op.μ[item[3]]*result[3];

        # write strain into result
        result[1] = input[5];
        result[2] = input[7];
        result[3] = input[7];
        result[4] = input[6];
        return nothing

const op = nonlinear_operator([0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0])

# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main(;
    ν = [0.3,0.3],          # Poisson number for each region/material
    E = [2.1,1.1],          # Elasticity modulus for each region/material
    ΔT = [580,580],         # temperature for each region/material
    α = [1.3e-5,2.4e-4],    # thermal expansion coefficients
    scale = [20,500],       # scale of the bimetal, i.e. [thickness, width]
    nref = 0,               # refinement level
    order = 2,              # finite element order
    periodic = false,       # use periodic boundary conditions?
    verbosity = 0,          # steers talkativeness
    Plotter = nothing)

    # set log level

    # compute Lame' coefficients μ and λ from ν and E
    # and thermal misfit strain and assign to operator operator
    op.μ .= E ./ (2  .* (1 .+ ν.^(-1)))
    op.λ .= E .* ν ./ ( (1 .- 2*ν) .* (1 .+ ν))
    op.ϵT .= ΔT .* α

    # generate bimetal mesh
    xgrid = bimetal_strip2D(; scale = scale, n = 2*(nref+1))

    # prepare nonlinear operator (one for each bimetal region)
    nonlin_operator = NonlinearForm(Gradient, [Gradient], [1], op, [4,4,7]; name = "C(ϵ(#1)-ϵT):∇#T", regions = [1,2], dependencies = "I", bonus_quadorder = 3, sparse_jacobian = true, newton = true)

    # generate problem description and assign nonlinear operators
    Problem = PDEDescription("nonlinear elasticity problem")
    add_unknown!(Problem; unknown_name = "u", equation_name = "displacement equation")
    add_operator!(Problem, 1, nonlin_operator)

    # create finite element space and solution vector
    FES = FESpace{H1Pk{2,2,order}}(xgrid)
    Solution = FEVector(FES)

    if periodic
        # periodic boundary conditions
        # 1) couple dofs left (bregion 1) and right (bregion 3) in y-direction
        dofsX, dofsY, factors = get_periodic_coupling_info(FES, xgrid, 1, 3, (f1,f2) -> abs(f1[2] - f2[2]) < 1e-14; factor_components = [0,1])
        add_constraint!(Problem, CombineDofs(1, 1, dofsX, dofsY, factors))
        # 2) find and fix point at [0, scale[1]]
        xCoordinates = xgrid[Coordinates]
        closest::Int = 0
        dist::Float64 = 0
        mindist::Float64 = 1e30
        for j = 1 : num_nodes(xgrid)
            dist = xCoordinates[1,j]^2 + (xCoordinates[2,j] - scale[1])^2
            if dist < mindist
                mindist = dist
                closest = j
        @show closest mindist scale
        add_constraint!(Problem, FixedDofs(1, [closest], [0.0]))
        add_boundarydata!(Problem, 1, [1], HomogeneousDirichletBoundary; mask = [1,0])
    @show Problem

    # solve
    solve!(Solution, Problem; maxiterations = 20, target_residual = 1e-9, show_statistics = true)

    # displace mesh and plot
    p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (3,1), clear = true, resolution = (1000,1500))
    grad_nodevals = nodevalues(Solution[1], Gradient)
    strain_nodevals = zeros(Float64,3,num_nodes(xgrid))
    for j = 1 : num_nodes(xgrid)
        strain!(view(strain_nodevals,:,j), view(grad_nodevals,:,j))
    scalarplot!(p[1,1], xgrid, view(strain_nodevals,1,:), levels = 3, colorbarticks = 7, xlimits = [-scale[2]/2-10, scale[2]/2+10], ylimits = [-30, scale[1] + 20], title = "ϵ(u)_xx + displacement")
    scalarplot!(p[2,1], xgrid, view(strain_nodevals,2,:), levels = 1, colorbarticks = 7, xlimits = [-scale[2]/2-10, scale[2]/2+10], ylimits = [-30, scale[1] + 20], title = "ϵ(u)_yy + displacement")
    vectorplot!(p[1,1], xgrid, evaluate(PointEvaluator(Solution[1], Identity)), spacing = [50,25], clear = false)
    vectorplot!(p[2,1], xgrid, evaluate(PointEvaluator(Solution[1], Identity)), spacing = [50,25], clear = false)
    displace_mesh!(xgrid, Solution[1])
    gridplot!(p[3,1], xgrid, linewidth = 1, title = "displaced mesh")

# grid
function bimetal_strip2D(; scale = [1,1], n = 2, anisotropy_factor::Int = Int(ceil(scale[2]/(2*scale[1]))))
    X=linspace(-scale[2]/2, 0, (n+1)*anisotropy_factor)
    X2=linspace(0, scale[2]/2, (n+1)*anisotropy_factor)
    append!(X, X2[2:end])
    Y=linspace(0, scale[1], 2*n+1)
    cellmask!(xgrid, [-scale[2]/2,0.0], [scale[2]/2,scale[1]/2], 1)
    cellmask!(xgrid, [-scale[2]/2,scale[1]/2], [scale[2]/2,scale[1]], 2)
    bfacemask!(xgrid, [-scale[2]/2,0.0], [-scale[2]/2,scale[1]/2], 1)
    bfacemask!(xgrid, [-scale[2]/2,scale[1]/2], [-scale[2]/2,scale[1]], 1)
    bfacemask!(xgrid, [-scale[2]/2,0.0], [scale[2]/2,0.0], 2)
    bfacemask!(xgrid, [-scale[2]/2,scale[1]], [scale[2]/2,scale[1]], 2)
    bfacemask!(xgrid, [scale[2]/2,0.0], [scale[2]/2,scale[1]], 3)
    return xgrid


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