A02 : Commuting Interpolators 2D
This example verifies a structural property of the H1 and Hdiv finite element spaces and their interpolators which is
\[\mathrm{Curl}(I_{\mathrm{P}_k}\psi) = I_{\mathrm{RT}_{k-1}}(\mathrm{Curl}(\psi))\]
for the $H_1$ interpolator $I_{\mathrm{P}_k}$ and the standard Raviart-Thomas interpolator $I_{\mathrm{RT}_{k-1}}$ for $k > 0$. In this example we verify this identity for $k=1$ and $k=2$. Note, that the $H_1$ interpolator only does nodal interpolations at the vertices but not in the additional degrees of freedom. For $k=2$, the interpolator also preserves the moments along the edges.
module ExampleA02_CommutingInterpolators2D
using GradientRobustMultiPhysics
using ExtendableGrids
# define some function
function exact_function!(result,x)
result[1] = x[1]^2-x[2]^4 + 1
# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main(;order::Int = 2, testmode = false)
# choose some grid
xgrid = uniform_refine(reference_domain(Triangle2D),2)
# negotiate exact_function! and exact_curl! to the package
u = DataFunction(exact_function!, [1,2]; name = "u_exact", dependencies = "X", bonus_quadorder = 4)
# choose commuting interpolators pair
if order == 1
FE = [H1P1{1},HDIVRT0{2}]; testFE = L2P0{2}
elseif order == 2
FE = [H1P2{1,2},HDIVRT1{2}]; testFE = H1P1{2}
# do the H1 and Hdiv interpolation of the function and its curl, resp.
FES = [FESpace{FE[1]}(xgrid), FESpace{FE[2]}(xgrid)]
Interpolations = FEVector(FES)
interpolate!(Interpolations[1], u)
interpolate!(Interpolations[2], curl(u))
# Both sides of the identity are finite element functions of FEtype testFE
# Hence, we evaluate the error by testing the identity by all basisfunctions of this type
# Generate the test space and some matching FEVector
FEStest = FESpace{testFE}(xgrid; broken = true)
error = FEVector(FEStest)
# Define (yet undiscrete) linear forms that represents testing each side of the identity with the testspace functions
LF1 = LinearForm(Identity, [Identity], [1]) # identity of test function is multiplied with identity of other argument
LF2 = LinearForm(Identity, [CurlScalar], [1]) # identity of test function is multiplied with CurlScalar of other argument
# Assemble linear forms into the same vector with opposite signs
# note: first argument fixes the test function FESpace and third arguments are used for the additional operators of the linearform
assemble_operator!(error[1], LF1, [Interpolations[2]])
assemble_operator!(error[1], LF2, [Interpolations[1]]; factor = -1)
# do some norm that recognizes a nonzero in the vector
error = sqrt(sum(error[1][:].^2, dims = 1)[1])
if testmode == true
return error
println("error(Curl(I_$(FE[1])(psi) - I_$(FE[2])(Curl(psi))) = $error")
# test function that is called by test unit
function test()
error = []
for order in [1,2]
push!(error, max(main(order = order, testmode = true)))
return maximum(error)
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