Point Evaluators
Point evaluators allow to evaluate the Solution at arbitrary points.
— Typestruct PointEvaluator{T<:Real, Tv<:Real, Ti<:Integer, FEType<:AbstractFiniteElement, FEOP<:??, AT<:AssemblyType, ACT<:AbstractAction}
structure that allows to evaluate a FEVectorBlock at arbitrary points
— Methodfunction PointEvaluator(FEB::FEVectorBlock, FEOP::AbstractFunctionOperator, action::AbstractAction = NoAction(); AT = ON_CELLS)
constructor for PointEvaluator that evaluate the given FEVectorBlock with the specified operator (possibly postprocessed by an action) at arbitrary points inside entities of the given assembly type
— Methodfunction evaluate!(
result, # target for result
xref, # local coordinates inside item
item # item number
) where {T, Tv, Ti, FEType, FEOP, AT, ACT}
Evaluates the PointEvaluator at the point with the given local coordinates insides the item with the specified item number. (To get the local coordinates, currently a CellFinder has to be maintained manually, this might change in future.)
— Methodfunction evaluate(PE::PointEvaluator)
Returns the function (result,xref,cell) –> evaluate!(result,PE,xref,cell)
(e.g. to be used as a callback function in vectorplot!)
Noteworthy Examples
Example 224 uses PointEvaluator to evaluate the pressure difference in a flow around an obstacle and to offer a callback function for a quiver plot.