302 : Bestapproximation Hdiv 3D

(source code)

This example computes the L2-bestapproximation of some given vector-valued function into an Hdiv-conforming finite element space. It also preserves the divergence of the function in the sense that the divergence of the approximation equals the piecewise integral mean of the exact divergence. Afterwards the L2 error (also of the divergence) is computed.

module Example302_BestapproximationHdiv3D

using GradientRobustMultiPhysics
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize

# define some vector field that should be approximated
function exact_function!(result,x)
    result[1] = x[1]^3+x[3]^2
    result[2] = -x[1]^2 + x[2] + 1
    result[3] = x[1]*x[2]

const u = DataFunction(exact_function!, [3,3]; name = "u", dependencies = "X", bonus_quadorder = 3)

# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main(; verbosity = 0, nrefinements = 4, Plotter = nothing)

    # set log level

    # generate a unit square mesh and refine
    xgrid = uniform_refine(reference_domain(Tetrahedron3D), nrefinements)

    # setup a bestapproximation problem via a predefined prototype
    Problem = L2BestapproximationProblem(u; bestapprox_boundary_regions = [])

    # add a new unknown (Lagrange multiplier that handles the divergence constraint)
    # here 1 is the number of components (it is scalarvalued) and 3 is the space dimension
    add_unknown!(Problem; unknown_name = "p", equation_name = "divergence constraint")
    add_operator!(Problem, [1,2], LagrangeMultiplier(Divergence))
    # add the right-hand side data for the constraint and inspect the defined problem
    div_u = div(u)
    add_rhsdata!(Problem, 2, LinearForm(Identity, div_u))
    @show Problem

    # choose some (inf-sup stable) finite element types
    #FEType = [HDIVRT0{3}, L2P0{1}]
    FEType = [HDIVBDM1{3}, L2P0{1}]
    FES = [FESpace{FEType[1]}(xgrid),FESpace{FEType[2]}(xgrid; broken = true)]

    # create a solution vector and solve the problem
    Solution = FEVector(FES)
    solve!(Solution, Problem; show_statistics = true)

    # plot
    p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (1,2), clear = true, resolution = (1000,500))
    scalarplot!(p[1,1], xgrid, view(nodevalues(Solution[1]; abs = true),1,:), levels = 5, title = "u_h (abs)")
    scalarplot!(p[1,2], xgrid, view(nodevalues(Solution[1], Divergence),1,:), levels = 5, title = "div(u_h)")

    # calculate L2 error and L2 divergence error
    L2Error = L2ErrorIntegrator(u, Identity)
    L2DivergenceError = L2ErrorIntegrator(div_u, Divergence)
    println("\tL2error(Id) = $(sqrt(evaluate(L2Error,Solution[1])))")
    println("\tL2error(div) = $(sqrt(evaluate(L2DivergenceError,Solution[1])))")


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