A11 : Navier-Stokes Fixed-point iterations

(source code)

This example computes the velocity $\mathbf{u}$ and pressure $\mathbf{p}$ of the incompressible Navier–Stokes problem

\[\begin{aligned} - \mu \Delta \mathbf{u} + (\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla) \mathbf{u} + \nabla p & = \mathbf{f}\\ \mathrm{div}(u) & = 0 \end{aligned}\]

with exterior force $\mathbf{f}$ and some parameter $\mu$ and inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary data.

The convection term can be discretized in (at least) three different ways, leading to three different fixed-point iteration schemes:

  • Newton iteration (when discretised as a NonlinearForm)
  • Picard iteration (when discretised as a BilinearForm)
  • fully explicit iteration (when discretised as a LinearForm)

This example script has a test case that checks that the result of all three iterations are the same.

module ExampleA11_NavierStokesFixpointIterations

using GradientRobustMultiPhysics
using ExtendableGrids
using GridVisualize
using SimplexGridFactory
using Triangulate

# flow data for boundary condition, right-hand side and error calculation
function get_flowdata(μ)
    u = DataFunction((result,x) -> (
        result[1] = sin(2*pi*x[1])*sin(2*pi*x[2]);
        result[2] = cos(2*pi*x[1])*cos(2*pi*x[2]);
        ), [2,2]; dependencies = "X", name = "u", bonus_quadorder = 5)
    p = DataFunction((result,x) -> (result[1] = (cos(4*pi*x[1])-cos(4*pi*x[2])) / 4), [1,2]; dependencies = "X", name = "p")
    Δu, ∇p = Δ(u), ∇(p)
    f = DataFunction((result,x) -> (
        result .= -μ*Δu(x) + ∇p(x)
        ), [2,2]; dependencies = "X", name = "f", bonus_quadorder = 5)
    return u, f

# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main(;
    μ = 1e-1,               # viscosity
    Plotter = nothing,      # Plotter for visualization (e.g. PyPlot)
    iterationtype = 1,      # convection term discretisation (1 = Newton, 2 = Picard, 3 = just in right-hand side)
    verbosity = 0)

    # set log level

    # FEType (Hdiv-conforming)
    FETypes = [H1P2{2,2}, L2P1{1}] # Scott-Vogelius

    # load exact flow data
    u, f = get_flowdata(μ)

    # problem description
    Problem = PDEDescription("Navier-Stokes Equations")
    add_unknown!(Problem; equation_name = "momentum equation", unknown_name = "u")
    add_unknown!(Problem; equation_name = "incompressibility constraint", unknown_name = "p", algebraic_constraint = true)
    add_operator!(Problem, [1,1], LaplaceOperator(μ))
    add_operator!(Problem, [1,2], LagrangeMultiplier(Divergence))

    # convection term discretised in 3 ways
    function convection_kernel(result, input)
        uh, ∇uh = view(input,1:2), view(input,3:6)
        result[1] = ∇uh[1]*uh[1] + ∇uh[2]*uh[2]
        result[2] = ∇uh[3]*uh[1] + ∇uh[4]*uh[2]

    # add convection term as chosen by iterationtype
    if iterationtype == 1 # Newton for c(u_h, u_h, v_h)
        add_operator!(Problem, 1, NonlinearForm(Identity, [Identity, Gradient], [1,1], convection_kernel, [2,6]; name = "((#1⋅∇)#1, #T)"))
    elseif iterationtype == 2 # Picard (adds c(u_old, u_h, v_h) on left-hand side)
        add_operator!(Problem, [1,1], BilinearForm([Gradient, Identity], [Identity], [1], Action(convection_kernel, [2,6]); name = "((#1⋅∇)#1, #T)", transposed_assembly = true))
    elseif iterationtype == 3 # fully explicit (adds c(u_old, u_old, v_h) on right-hand side)
        add_rhsdata!(Problem, 1, LinearForm(Identity, [Identity, Gradient], [1,1], Action(convection_kernel, [2,6]); name = "((#1⋅∇)#1, #T)", factor = -1))

    # add right-hand side data
    add_rhsdata!(Problem, 1, LinearForm(Identity, f))

    # add boundary data (fixes normal components of along boundary)
    add_boundarydata!(Problem, 1, [1,2,3,4], InterpolateDirichletBoundary; data = u)
    add_constraint!(Problem, FixedIntegralMean(2,0))

    # show final problem description (without stabilizing terms)
    @show Problem

    # get grid and barycentric refinement
    xgrid = barycentric_refine(uniform_refine(grid_unitsquare(Triangle2D), 3))

    # generate FES spaces and solution vector
    FES = [FESpace{FETypes[1]}(xgrid), FESpace{FETypes[2]}(xgrid)]
    Solution = FEVector(FES)

    # solve
    solve!(Solution, Problem; skip_update = iterationtype == 3 ? -1 : 1, maxiterations = 20, target_residual = 1e-13, show_statistics = true)

    # plot last solution and convergence hisotry
    p = GridVisualizer(; Plotter = Plotter, layout = (1,3), clear = true, resolution = (1500,500))
    scalarplot!(p[1,1], xgrid, view(nodevalues(Solution[1]; abs = true), 1, :), levels = 3, colorbarticks = 9, title = "u_h (abs + quiver)")
    vectorplot!(p[1,1], xgrid, evaluate(PointEvaluator(Solution[1], Identity)), spacing = 0.05, clear = false)
    scalarplot!(p[1,2], xgrid, view(nodevalues(Solution[2]),1,:), levels = 7, title = "p_h")

    return Solution

# checks if the solutions of all three iteration schemes are the same
function test(; μ = 1e-1)
    SolutionNLF = main(; μ = μ, iterationtype = 1)
    SolutionBLF = main(; μ = μ, iterationtype = 2)
    SolutionLF = main(; μ = μ, iterationtype = 3)
    distance1 = maximum(SolutionNLF.entries - SolutionBLF.entries)
    distance2 = maximum(SolutionNLF.entries - SolutionLF.entries)
    return max(distance1, distance2)


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