A01 : Rational Mass Matrix

(source code)

This example demonstrates the usage of rational numbers to calculate e.g. exact mass matrices on reference domains (if exact quadrature rules in Rational number format are available).

module ExampleA01_RationalMassMatrix

using GradientRobustMultiPhysics
using ExtendableGrids

# everything is wrapped in a main function
function main()

    # reference domain as extendable grid
    xgrid = reference_domain(Triangle2D, Rational{Int64})

    # define P1-Courant finite element space
    FES = FESpace{H1P1{1}}(xgrid)

    # define mass matrix bilinear form
    MAMA_BLF = DiscreteSymmetricBilinearForm([Identity,Identity],[FES,FES]; T = Rational{Int64})

    # assemble mass matrix and divide by area
    MAMA = FEMatrix{Rational{Int64}}(FES)
    MAMA = MAMA.entries ./ xgrid[CellVolumes][1]

    # print matrix
    @show MAMA


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